Episode 323 with David Cole
These four gun owners defended themselves and innocent victims at home and in public. This is what we can learn.
Episode 322 with Robyn Sandoval
There is a time when it is best to wait. There is a time to talk. There is also a time to shoot. They are seldom the same time.
Episode 321 with Heather Reeves
These honest gun owners defended themselves at home, at work, in their car, and as they traveled. Here is what we can learn.
Episode 320 with Candy Petticord
Self-defense changes each second. These four gun owners faced a threat. Here is what we can learn from their experience.
Episode 319 with Heather Reeves
These honest citizens faced a lethal threat. The bad guys came back even though the good guys were armed. What would you do in their place?
Episode 318 with Ben Branam
These armed citizens faced a lethal threat. Some ran, some fought, and some had no choice. What should you do in their place?
Episode 317 with Amanda Suffecool
Here are the stories of four armed defenders who faced a threat. Sometimes armed defenders have to shoot. Sometimes they don't.
Episode 316 with Tony Simon
Rob- Introduction- Welcome to episode 316 of Self-Defense Gun Stories. We’re glad you found us if you’re well trained.. and if you’re still learning about armed defense. I’m Rob Morse […]
Episode 315 with Robyn Sandoval
Almost no one expects to be attacked today. Yes, these honest gun owners were surprised, but they responded and saved lives.
Episode 314 with David Cole
These honest gun owners faced lethal threats. Were they lucky, or did they have a plan in mind?