
The Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast

The podcast brings you recent examples of armed civilians protecting themselves and those they love.  Experienced self defense instructors comment on recent events.

Rob Morse small


Rob Morse writes and speaks about the right of self-defense. His articles are at the SlowFacts blog.  He is a co-host on the Polite Society Podcast.  He writes for Clash Daily.  Rob is a former handgun competitor and pistol instructor.



Ben Branam


Ben Branam is a firearms instructor, podcaster, and Marine.  His class schedule is listed at ModernSelf   His weekly podcast has the same name, Modern Self Protection.  Ben is based in San Antonio, Texas but travels widely.


David Cole


David Cole is a former Army Officer, police officer and Swat Team member.  He is currently the president of the firearms training company Aegis Solutions, an NRA Instructor and Range Safety Officer.  He is a regional competitive shooter andholds a 2nd degree black belt in aikido.  David trains regularly at the Gunsite Acadamy.  He is a frequent contributor at Black Man With A Gun

Instructor Lauren Hartnett

Lauren Hartnett was born, raised and lives in Staten Island, NY. She is a Paramedic in New York City. When she isn’t instructing at Athena Defense, training, or competing, Lauren spends her time advocating for the Second Amendment. She is the facilitator for the Staten Island’s A Girl & A Gun chapter as well as the New York Delegate for the DC Project. She is a certified NRA instructor, a Chief Range Safety Officer, USPSA Range Officer and certified AHA instructor.

Heather Reeves owns and operates Tactical Advantage Guns with her husband. The gun store and training facility serves customers near Portage, Michigan. She is a facilitator for the Girl and a Gun chapter in Portage. She is both an NRA and Rangemaster certified firearms instructor.


Tony Simon


Tony Simon is an NRA firearms instructor and second amendment advocate.  Contact Tony on Facebook at Simon Says Train or at The Second is for Everyone.  Tony shoots and instructs in New Jersey.


Amanda Suffecool is a self-defense and firearms instructor at Targething firearms training.  She has several NRA firearms instructor ratings, in addition to being an ALICE active shooter response instructor.   Amanda is the co-host and producer of the nationally syndicated radio show Eye on the Target Radio where she and her co-host, Rob Campbell, answers callers questions about firearms and 2A topics.   Amanda is the Executive Director of REALIZE firearms awareness coalition,  a registered 501(c)3 not for profit that spends their time and effort providing education based firearms training.   Amanda is the author of a book on producing concealed carry fashion shows for the firearms industry.   Contact Amanda at

Past Contributors


Elizabeth Hautman has instruction credentials from the NRA, USCCA, The Well Armed Woman and Project Appleseed. A past campaign field representative for the NRA, Elizabeth loves advocating for our Second Amendment through her firearms classes, empowering her students with firearms knowledge. She can be contacted through her corporate website at


Tiffany Johnson is a lawyer. She comes by it honestly since her father was a judge. She practiced personal injury and civil rights law for several years before starting her own business as a freelance legal writer and researcher.  She also teaches college courses atthe University of Memphis.

Tiffany’s best friend was murdered. That propelled her to learn about armed self-defense.  She has taken every class available from Tom Givens at Rangemaster in Memphis, TN.  She also trained with John Farnam, Jim Higginbotham, and most recently Marshall Luton. She is an NRA handgun safety instructor, and certified by the State of Tennessee, and the State of Mississippi.

Tiffany taught dance before injuries forced her to retire. Find Tiffany at Front Sight Press.

Andee Reardon owns and operates East Coast School of Safety where she teaches armed and unarmed defense. She leads a women’s group of shooters, competes when she finds time, and she volunteers for Gun Owners of Maine and THRIVE New England. Andee is also the Maine State representative for Women For Gun Rights.


Robyn StreetRobyn Street is a self-defense and firearms instructor at Step by Step Gun Training in Naples, FL.  She has several NRA firearms instructor ratings and is a Chief Range Safety Officer. She completed the Suarez International Instructor course.  She is a Rangemaster certified Advanced Instructor.  She is a Defense Training International Certified Affiliate Instructor.  She is a chapter leader for The Well Armed Woman.  You can contact her at


JJeff Streeteff Street is a self-defense and firearms instructor at Step by Step Gun Training in Naples, FL.  He has several NRA firearms instructor ratings.  He has completed the Suarez International Instructor course.  He is a Rangemaster certified Advanced Instructor.  He is a Defense Training International Certified Affiliate Instructor.  He and his wife own and operate Step by Step Gun Training. You can contact Jeff at



Dan and Cheryl Todd host and produce the Gun Freedom Radio podcast.



Jenna MeekJenna Meek is a self defense instructor and firearms trainer.  She and her husband operate Carry On Colorado.  She is also the author of the books

Calling the Shots- Self-protection and firearm choices that work for you.

What You Don’t Know Can Kill You: How Most Self-Defense Training Will Put You into Prison or the Ground


Amber shoulder

Amber Kunau
is an NRA Instructor, a USCCA affiliate instructor, and a competitive shooter.  She instructs and competes in Mesa, Arizona.  She can be reached on her Facebook page.




Tatiana Whitlock 2

Tatiana Whitlock
is an author and firearms instructor in Portland, Maine. She is the director of training and development at Ann Arbor Arms in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Tatiana is an NRA Women’s Network® spokeswoman, a Pantaeo Productions® instructor, is featured on Trigger Time TV.  Tatiana is also a contributing author for Recoil Magazine, American Shooting Journal, On Target Magazine and Be Ready Magazine.  Contact her at and on Facebook at

5 Replies to “Contributors”

  1. Ken Urbanek

    Howdy. I enjoy listening to the podcast. I only recently found you so I am working my way to the beginning. My only complaint is I find it difficult to find and links to training classes from the instructors. I can find info about Amanda Soffecool and David Cole (they are within 4 hours of me) but I can’t find any training schedules. I don’t use Facebook so I am unfamiliar how to search.

    Thank you and keep up the good work on making me think about the WHAT IFS.

  2. Stan Orlowski

    I’ve been listening to your podcast pretty regularly for several years. It’s a great reminder that things can go bad really quickly without any notice. The analysis of each story gets me thinking about what would I do in that situation and that I really need to be vigilant about carrying and situational awareness.

  3. Stan Orlowski

    Episode 307 was excellent – but it was disturbing when Robyn said “There are many people in Texas jails because although they were within the law, the jury did not consider their actions reasonable. ” I have my Texas carry license and I find it appalling that some police / prosecutors won’t investigate or procecute many crimes but will prosecute people for lawfully defending themselves againg those same crimes. As you said, we have become our own first responders.

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