Tag: domestic abuse
Episode 337 with David Cole
Again this week, armed citizens defended themselves at home, and at work. There is so much we can learn.
Episode 336 with Heather Reeves
These four honest gun owners faced lethal threats to themselves or their family. What would you do in their place?
Episode 355 with Robyn Sandoval
Armed citizens safe lives. Sometimes they have to press the trigger, and sometimes they don't. What should we do if we were in their place?
Episode 331 with Ben Branam
Sometimes you have to use lethal force. Sometimes you may, but you shouldn't. What a good thing to learn from other people's experience.
Episode 330 with Tony Simon
Defending ourselves, our co-workers, innocent bystanders, and our neighbors. There is more to armed defense than marksmanship.
Episode 328 with Heather Reeves
Heather Reeves brings us four news stories of armed defense. Plan now so you have more time when you need it.
Episode 327 with Ben Branam
We think of our home as a safe refuge from the world. Attackers often come to hunt us at home, and this is what we can learn.
Episode 324 with Tony Simon
Preparation can make all the difference. These four defenders had little time to respond when they were attacked. Being ready saved lives.
Episode 323 with David Cole
These four gun owners defended themselves and innocent victims at home and in public. This is what we can learn.
Episode 322 with Robyn Sandoval
There is a time when it is best to wait. There is a time to talk. There is also a time to shoot. They are seldom the same time.