Tag: pistol training
Episode 341 with Amanda Suffecool
These four gun owners faced a lethal threat. What should we do, and in what order, to save lives?
Episode 238 with David Cole
Armed citizens defend themselves and their children every day.. and every night.
Episode 212 with Elizabeth Hautman
Only about one in thirty attacks end with the defender having to press the trigger. We see the same thing with the police. Most bad guys stop their attack once the policeman has his hand on his gun.
Episode 211 with Andee Reardon
She knew she wanted a gun, but maybe she wasn’t taught about holsters and concealed carry. Who comes up to their instructor and says, I want your help getting a good holster and the gun that goes with it? Maybe she wasn’t taught about holsters and concealed carry.
Episode 208 with Ben Branam
Rob- Introduction- Welcome to episode 208 of Self-Defense Gun Stories. We’re glad you found us if you’re well trained and also if you’re new to self-defense. I’m Rob Morse and […]
Episode 203 with David Cole
A lesson here is that you CAN miss even at very close range. So practice shooting a handgun at close quarters. Remember to put your support hand to your chest every time.
Episode 201 with Amanda Suffecool
We don’t expect to see an armed man shooting at us as we drive down the street. We expect to see someone with a cell phone in his hand, not with a gun pointed at us. I think the biggest thing our defender did correctly is he believed his eyes. Our defender took it seriously.
Episode 190 with Elizabeth Hautman
You get one chance to present your story. If you tell it immediately after the attack, then it will come out in pieces. Your lawyer knows how to put those pieces together, and that keeps you out of trouble.
Episode 186 with Amanda Suffecool
Armed citizens defend themselves every day. They also defend other innocent victims. What would you do in a violent attack?