Tag: firearms instruction
Episode 293 with Ben Branam
Firearms instructor Ben Branam brings us four news stories of armed defense. A new gun owner has to press the trigger for the first time.
Episode 292 with David Cole
Video is worth a thousand words, and you can be charged even if you don't press the trigger.
Episode 285 with Heather Reeves
These four gun owners faced a lethal threat. Could you defend yourself at home, in public, and in your car? This is what we can learn.
Episode 276 with Heather Reeves
These gun owners survived a lethal threat. This is what we can learn from their experience.
Episode 274 with Amanda Suffecool
Amanda Suffecool brings us four news stories of armed defense. These gun owenrs were in a tough spot. This is what we can learn.
Episode 265 with David Cole
These honest gun owners faced a lethal threat at home, as they drove, and at work. This is what we can learn.
Episode 258 with Heather Reeves
These honest citizens faced a lethal threat. Fortunately, armed defenders are everywhere.
Episode 257 with Ben Branam
These armed citizens faced a lethal threat. Sometimes they had to shoot, and sometimes they defended themselves without firing a shot.
Episode 225 with Tony Simon
You could be the "nice guy" and gently reason with crazy. Crazy can kill you, so you have to stop the crazy behavior before it is safe to have the conversation.