Recent Posts

  • Episode 165 with David Cole

    You don’t need five guys to snatch a purse. They may well have had plans to do much more. They were probably going to take her car.. or to take her.

  • Episode 164 with Amanda Suffecool

    This clerk had about 2 and a half seconds from the time the bad guy presenting a gun until the defense was over. I can’t say my own name that fast.

  • Episode 163 with Ben Branam

    As soon as you can, call the police. That 911 call makes a permanent record that you were there. That call means you were responding to an attack rather than brandishing your firearm in public.

  • Episode 162 with Tony Simon

    Practice so you know how much time you need to present your firearm and how much time you need to shoot accurately. That way you’ll recognize when you have an opportunity to save your life.

  • Episode 161 with Andee Reardon O’Brion

    If I saw a robbery in process, I would get to a safe area and be a good witness. If the robber started to approach me and they pointed guns at me, I would quickly look for cover. It’s a lot harder to shoot someone behind a dumpster or wall.

  • Episode 160 with Jeff Street

    We trust people we think we know, and sometimes we’re wrong. I’m glad our victim was armed. He waited his turn rather than drawing a firearm as soon as he saw that he was being robbed. He defended himself as he ran. Running makes you a harder target and it also gets you out of trouble.

  • Episode 159 with Elizabeth Hautman

    See problems before they happen. Avoid them if you can.. and prepare for them, both at home and at work. Once we've done that, then we can add a firearm as another layer of defense.

  • Episode 158 with David Cole

    An ATM at night is a watering hole for urban predators. They wait there until their next victim comes along. Here is a better idea if you need cash late at night. Go to the grocery store instead.

  • Episode 157 with Amanda Suffecool

    Think about it - she needed her defensive tools where she could use them immediately. She didn’t have time to wait for the police, or to get her gun from the trunk of the car, or from a purse or backpack in the back seat. 

  • Episode 156 with Ben Branam

    We're at greater risk outside the home than inside. We’re at greater risk at night than during the day. The most dangerous thing you do is walk across the parking lot from the grocery store back to your car late at night.