Episode 2 with Amber Kunau
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Introduction- Rob- Welcome to episode 2 of Self-Defense Gun Stories. I’m Rob Morse with instructor Amber Kunau. Hi, Amber. Together, we report and analyze examples of armed civilian defense each week.
Amber- Our first example took place last month in Kentucky..
1.- Purse Carry in a Louisville, KY Parking Lot A woman was sitting in her car in a parking garage in downtown Louisville, Kentucky. A man approached her, presented a knife and demanded her money. The woman reached into her purse as if she was going for her wallet. She pulled her gun instead and shot the man. The man ran a few blocks and then asked for help. Bystanders called for EMTs and the woman called for police. She was unhurt. The attacker is in the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
This took place at 6pm just after work, not at midnight. We commented that thieves would try to grab a woman’s purse, so that means a thief could disarm you.
Amber Notes: Off body carry is not ideal, but happened to work out in this case. She could have been easily disarmed had the thief taken the whole purse. Better to carry in a purse than not at all, Every situation is different. Can’t plan for every instance-do the best you can “improvise”. What would have happened if she hadn’t had a gun? She could be dead, injured or she could be OK.
Was she in fear for her life or did she just not want her purse stolen?
Purse stealing not a big deal BUT personal info, house keys stolen, ID with address could lead to other things. Shouldn’t be sitting in your car. Situational awareness is a term I want you to familiarize with. Think about it, stay safe. Don’t become a victim. Common sense
2- Armed-Citizen Intervention: What would you do if you saw another person being attacked? Would you stand back, take pictures and be a good witness? Does your answer change if the victim is a sheriff’s deputy in uniform and the attacker is going for the deputy’s gun?
Texas Deputy Dylan Dorris was have a very bad day. The deputy responded to a problem at a gas station in Bastrop county. It was almost 10 pm when the deputy stopped to talk to a man after reports of a man driving erratically with a child in the car.
The deputy stopped the car and the driver attacked the deputy, punching the deputy and reaching for his gun. An armed civilian saw the fight and stepped in to help.
Scott Perkins yelled “Freeze!” as he pointed his concealed carry weapon at the suspect. The suspect stopped fighting the deputy and ran. The suspect was later arrested later by two deputies. He was charged with aggravated assault of a public servant, taking an officer’s weapon, evading arrest or detention with a vehicle, and driving while under the influence.
The deputy was hospitalized and released. He said, “There are no words to explain it. I’m alive today because of him.” A sheriff’s spokesman said, “This is a situation where being a license to carry holder truly did save a life.”
Amber Notes: Give example of armed Sheriff Posse Member in Phoenix intervening in a suspect/police fight. Coma, almost died. Are you willing to risk your life? In this case it worked out but the alternative? Judgement call. Better be prepared if you are going to get involved. You could become a hero or you could become seriously injured or die. Repeat to yourself I am not the police
3-Georgia Home Invasion stopped with old rifle: A metro Atlanta man is very lucky he kept an old hunting rifle in his home. 28 year old Timo Hernandez had his mother in town for a visit. There was a knock at the front door as they sat down to eat dinner. This is what Mr. Hernandez said happened next. “When I opened the door, these two guys stormed in with guns and started pistol-whipping me and took me to the ground.” The second intruder went after his mother, who was trying to escape. Quote “He started pistol whipping and kicking her in the side…He put a gun to my head.”
The son’s attacker demanded money and forced him through the house at gunpoint. They took him to a guest bedroom and threw him to the ground. That is when Hernandez decided to fight back. His father’s old hunting rifle was stored in that guest room. Hernandez grabbed the rifle, and shot both men. The thieves ran from the house. The first one died on a neighbor’s lawn while the second attacker died in the hospital a few days later.
Amber comments- What if they’d kept him out of that particular room? Make sure your guns are easily accessible but safe if you have kids etc. Do you keep your guns loaded? There is no time to load a gun in an emergency. NRA safety rules say keep gun unloaded. Use common sense.
Rob- I recommend keep at least ONE gun in your house loaded and easily accessible. Gun safe, biometric safe etc. Don’t open the door for strangers ever. Security door, layers of protection. Answer the door with your gun on you. Carry at home.
No such thing as a “one shot stop,” even from a rifle. I’ve personally shot deer through the heart and lungs with a .308 Winchester, and still have it run 100 yards before going down.
Exit- Amber Kunau, thank you for helping me today. Where can our listeners find you?
Amber Kunau- They can contact me Instructor Amber K on Facebook.
Rob- Join us next week for more Self-Defense Gun Stories.
Rob – I REALLY enjoying this podcast, especially the length. I really enjoy the other podcast you do also, but it seems like it is produced by a long-haul truck driver who has alot of time every week to listen to podcasts. I try to listen to 5-6 podcasts every week, plus gun and non-gun related TV shows, family time, exercise, work, some sleep, etc. 2-3 hours is a big commitment to one podcast. So, please keep this podcast concise!
In terms of substance, I thought Amber K. (and you) made an excellent and appropriately cautious observation regarding the Louisville purse snatching: Was she in fear for her life or did she just not want her purse stolen? We hear a lot of bluster around using lethal force to foil robberies. And we even see it from time to time. But it’s good to remember that if you do have to use a firearm for self-defense, it better be for the right reason, because even if you “win” that fight, you still could end up “losing” in other ways (e.g., a $5-10,000 retainer for an attorney perhaps).
Keep up the great work!
Thank you, David.
Every week on Gun Freedom Radio I look for stories for our Responsibly Armed Citizen Report, which are the “good guy with a gun stops bad guy with a gun” stories. As I search for those stories there are some I cannot use, even though there is a “happy ending” where the bad guy is not successful of the attempted attack or robbery due to the presence (or use) of a firearm in the intended victim’s possession. The reason I can’t use some of these stories is because it is not clear in some of them whether deadly force was warranted. And it is important to know, as you and Amber point out, whether it was loss of an inanimate object or loss of life that would have been the ultimate outcome had the citizen not been armed. Thank you for making that distinction. Many good people have gotten into serious legal trouble by choosing incorrectly, and they have but a split second to make the decision whether or not to present their firearm, and whether or not to use it. Thanks for making us think!