Tag: firearms training

  • Episode 243 with Heather Reeves

    Defend yourself and others.. by day and by night, at home and on the street.

  • Episode 240 with Robyn Sandoval

    At home, at work, and in the car, these honest citizen defended themselves and those they love. What should we do in their place?

  • Episode 218 with Robyn Sandoval

    At the end of the day, make sure your holster it returned to a safe. There are three places for your self-defense pistol: your hand, your holster, or your safe.

  • Episode 217 with Tony Simon

    The ex-husband yells that he wants to talk to his wife. Things get heated, and you, the ex wife, and her mom all go outside. The ex husband draws a firearm and starts shooting.

  • Episode 209 with David Cole

    Be prepared to be ordered to drop your gun and to be handcuffed until officers can figure out what’s going on. Be cooperative and follow their directions.

  • Episode 198 with Andee Reardon O’Brion

    Police are coming into a situation with limited information, you never want to be mistaken for the bad guy.  Make sure the police know who you are, what you look like, if you have a weapon where it is or why you are still holding it. 

  • Episode 177 with Andee Reardon O’Brion

    Nighttime works against us, and it can work for us too. It is harder for the bad guys to know where you are as you take a few steps to the side. It is harder for the bad guy to recognize that you’re reaching for your gun.

  • Episode 172 with Amanda Suffecool

    These gun owners defended family and co-workers. If you plan to protect other people, then shouldn't they be part of the plan?

  • Episode 162 with Tony Simon

    Practice so you know how much time you need to present your firearm and how much time you need to shoot accurately. That way you’ll recognize when you have an opportunity to save your life.

  • Episode 156 with Ben Branam

    We're at greater risk outside the home than inside. We’re at greater risk at night than during the day. The most dangerous thing you do is walk across the parking lot from the grocery store back to your car late at night.